Friends of Erin Sage Photography

Hi! Welcome to Erin Sage Photography! My love of people and stories has brought me to this place-documenting special moments and I love it! I love that my work never feels like work because it brings me so much joy! Enjoy the blog and feel free to leave a comment! I love feedback!


Weddings, Babies, Families and More...

There is just no way to catch back up on the blog other than this...a giant combo post of just a glimpse of what I have been up to! It has been an amazing year. We just welcomed our second little boy into the world and we are just over the moon! I am seriously beyond priveledged to have a job I love that allows me to stay at home and raise our two boys. I really am a full time mom who runs a business on the side, and I have never felt that quite as much as I do now with two! And so when life gets busy and my little babes need more attention certain things just have to take the back burner and hence why my blog is playing catch up. I have loved what this year has brought...some just gorgeous maternity sessions...sweet newborns...and amazing wedding clients. I have just adored being a part of their biggest moments and humbled by their trust in my vision. So here is just a glimpse of what I've been up to! 



Ryan & Amy are Married! Charleston SC Wedding Photography

Wedding season is here at last. I got to celebrate with an amazing couple. We had a blast with Ryan and Amy and truly everything about their day was perfect from start to finish. I can't wait to share more images soon!


Belly Love: Dave & Val. Charleston SC Maternity Photography

I am going to start blogging some of my beautiful mamas. I have for a few years now only blogged weddings just out of time restraints, but as my own family has expanded I am now rapidly growing in the maternity and newborn session department! I guess it just comes with the territory. But I have to admit...maternity sessions might just be my most favorite "job". I cant even call it a job really I enjoy these sessions thoroughly. Pregnancy is such a beautiful time of excitement and anticipation and a flood of so many other wonderful emotions. I love being able to capture that and freeze that moment for my clients. Fellow photographer and friend Valerie asked me to document this time for her and her hubby Dave. These are a few of my favorites from our time at Boone Hall Plantation. Enjoy this glowing Mom and Dad to be! 


I Do: Caleb & Abbie Wed, River Oaks Charleston Wedding

True statement...I had to sit here and think a minute when I logged into my blog account as to what my password was. That my friends is when you's been too long. It's good to be back. And trust me you wont mind that I've been gone for the holidays once you see the beauty I am about to share. What a wedding. Truly perfect from start to finish. Perfect couple...perfect style...perfect location. I can't complain. I truly believe what made this day so special though was not the unbelievable decor and design (which never hurts) but the true joy, beauty, peace, patience and love of these two wonderful people. Abbie and Caleb made documenting their love and their day just plain easy. Now- there is some serious beauty in this post. Amazing dresses...gorgeous flora with a hint of down to earth rustic. Also, enjoy some of their wonderfully fun ideas like hot poured pralines and milk as a nightime snack(Caleb's favorite) oyster bar as a late night treat for guests...a penny wishing jar for guests to write them a note and then send them a well wish. Truly too much to list it all- but enjoy the beautiful images of a magical day. Special thanks to the talented Carmen Ash for her beautiful work assisting me on this day! 


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