Friends of Erin Sage Photography

Hi! Welcome to Erin Sage Photography! My love of people and stories has brought me to this place-documenting special moments and I love it! I love that my work never feels like work because it brings me so much joy! Enjoy the blog and feel free to leave a comment! I love feedback!


Harrison & Lauren, Bluffton Wedding Photography

Lauren may have been one of my most laid back brides...ever. There I said it. It's true. Cool as a cucumber and just excited to walk down the aisle to Harrison. Their Beaufort ceremony and Bluffton reception was not only picture perfect but also just filled with beautiful moments and wonderful people. I've had the privilege now of shooting a few weddings within this circle of friends and every one of them has left me feeling blessed beyond words that I get to call what I do a job. It was a pretty special day and I think the images will show how much fun we had. The reception was graciously hosted at the home of family friends of the bride and their backyard just happened to back up to breathtaking river views accompanied by the field of my photography dreams for photos on our way in. Oh heavens. Oh and for any of you brides wondering if you can "get away with more greenery" at your reception...the answer is yes...a million yes. See for yourself- the wild greenery with gorgeous gold accents at the reception was just so beautiful! Thanks you two for trusting me and my team with your memories! Oh and huge huge thanks to Hunter and Jared for their tireless work shooting beside me in the lowcountry heat! Enjoy some of my favorites from this special day!


Matt and Heather, Hendersonville Wedding Photography

Oh man have I been excited to share this special day with you. It was an honor and really a treat to be a part of Matt and Heather's wedding day. It was beautiful and thoughtful and boy was it FUN. I think I smiled the whole reception just watching everyone have such an amazing time. Matt and Heather got married at St John in the Wilderness in Hendersonville NC with a reception following at Champion Hills. It was my first time shooting at this venue and I'd shoot every wedding from now on there...honestly just breathtaking views everywhere you turn. There's so many more I want to share but for time sake here's a few of my favorites!!


Waiting on Baby W, Charleston Maternity Photography

This sweet couple traveled down to Charleston for their baby moon and called on me to document this special time. Will and I went to USC together and I met Melissa a few years ago when they hired me for some Charleston anniversary pics. Always fun to see them and especially as they enter this fun new stage of becoming parents! Enjoy some of my favorites from this dreamy park session.


Waiting on Magnolia, Bluffton Maternity Photography

This session was a real treat for me. Johnny and Amanda have been dear friends to Matt and I for quite some time. We have celebrated a lot of things with them...but oh how we have longed to celebrate a baby with them. It's been a long road of waiting and loss and then just when they least expected it and had surrendered their desire to be parents over to the Lord for good... the blessing of this sweet baby girl.  As a mom I know there is a joy in parenting that cannot be put into words and must be experienced and after longing and praying for that for them I am just literally over the moon praising the Lord in His faithfulness. So yeah this shoot was special because to me every image declares His goodness and glory in their lives. So excited for you dear friends and cannot wait to meet Magnolia. Enjoy some of my favorites.

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