I Do: Brian & Megan Hendersonville Wedding Photography

Happy Thanksgiving!! I am sitting here watching the parade re-living the magic of my childhood with my kiddos and just feeling super thankful for all the blessings in our life. This wedding I am sharing with you today makes me smile from ear to ear. It's the kind of wedding that stirs up thankfulness for me. I am thankful I get to do a job I love that I truly do smile laugh and sometimes cry doing because I love seeing the emotions moments and memories of a wedding day unfold. I get to help people remember that- amazing! Megan and Brian's Camp Pinnacle wedding truly captured their down to earth adventuresome personalities. It was a joy capturing the joy and beauty. As I prepared and narrowed the images to share here today I started to worry that beautiful image after beautiful image may just start to feel like too much! The golden hour canoe ride...the gorgeous fall mountain foliage...two super smiley people who look like they just won the lottery...and the fiery sunset. Oh the sunset wait until you see it. You may think I altered the colors or "created" the punch of color in the sky...I assure you I didn't. It was majestic. Every moment when you thought it couldn't get more beautiful it did. Truly a beautiful gift from the Lord for these two. I hope you enjoy some of my favorites from this special day with some truly special people.