Friends of Erin Sage Photography

Hi! Welcome to Erin Sage Photography! My love of people and stories has brought me to this place-documenting special moments and I love it! I love that my work never feels like work because it brings me so much joy! Enjoy the blog and feel free to leave a comment! I love feedback!


Styons Family Beach Session, Charleston Family Photography

Continuing with the theme lately of beautiful beach sessions....this sweet family of three! Stacey and her two kiddos met me on the beach for some updated family photos and a few senior head shots for Makayla. The light was just dreamy and I loved every second. Enjoy a few of my favorites!!


Harper Family Beach Session, Charleston Family Photography

I just adore this family I am about to introduce you to...they've made me a part of their family vacation in Charleston for quite a few years now. I have been photographing their oldest since he was 18 months old so it is always really special when I get to see them! We met at the beach for this session and we ran, we played, and we captured some pretty special moments in between. We gave their littlest some extra camera time on this session since big guy just turned two...and he loved every second of it. Enjoy some of my favorites!


A Story of Surrogacy; Charleston Family Photography

This is a unique post of images and certainly a unique topic as well. It's not your every day story but it's a picture of the gospel and of love in the most tangible way I've seen in a while. It is both selfless and sacrificial. My dear friend Andrea (who happened to also previously work for me as an editor) contacted me a month or so ago for a surrogate maternity shoot. Admittedly I ran to pinterest and searched for how in the world do I do this!? But I was so intrigued to hear more. Andrea and her husband Andy (who I worked with years ago at Channel 5 News) had been burdened for some time for family members of theirs who had struggled to carry a healthy full term baby. Andy's cousin Stephanie and her husband Chris had been through the agony of losing multiple that almost took both the baby and Stephanie's life. Andy and Andrea have two kids of their own and Andrea knew that carrying babies came easy for she brought the idea to Andy who was immediately on board and so were the kids and as a family the decision was made to offer Andrea as a surrogate. Now if you're a momma you know what a sacrifice that is...all the not so pretty things that come with pregnancy but we endure for the gift at the end...and then giving away the gift at the end! I mean I am just floored...dumbfounded...and beyond touched...that is love. That is what Jesus did for us. He laid down his life for another. So it is with joy I share not only this story but these images with you. Pregnancy...fertility...surrogacy they are each so deeply personal and so it is my hope that these images tell just a piece of the story. I cannot wait to meet this sweet baby girl who will come into the world in August and realize she has so many fighting for her and loving her already!


Kassouf Family Session; Charleston Family Photography

It is always so special for me to get to document the same families as they grow. Sarah and Matt have been in my life now since I photographed Sarah's sisters wedding more than five years ago, and now this family of two is a family of four! Matt wanted to get Sarah a session for mothers day as her gift, so we spent some extra time getting images of just Sarah and her boys! Oh and are they precious! Enjoy my favorites from this sweet session!

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