Just Because: Alex & Matt

This will be a quick post as I am hitting the road for Raleigh! I so enjoyed shooting Matt and Alex for their two year anniversary photo shoot last night. I could hardly wait to upload and edit some. We met in NoDa for their session. We found this neat old building and a cool looking smoke stack behind it...unfortunately we were not the only ones that liked that spot- bugs everywhere! After enduring the heat and a massive mosquito attack we finished with some cool spots on North Tryon. I had a new understanding of one of Brad Paisley's songs as I had my husband help me check for ticks when we got home. ugh- gross. But I have to say, the old mill and this sweet couple in love made it all worth it! Enjoy some of my favorites!
These are two of my favorites!
Love love love this old building...the sun was just beginning to go down.
Yup- they were naturals!
Love these last two...aren't Matt's shoes cool too!?
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