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Family: The Grossman's

One thing I love about shooting kids is learning how differently they interact with me at all the different ages. I can honestly say before Monday I had never shot a four year old before...and was I in for a treat. Lucas is the most energetic, thoughtful, and flirtatious little boy you will ever meet. He has a sweet spot for his mom and dad and it is evident that he loves them dearly! His Dad, Christian, is actually German, but met his sweet wife Erin in college while in the United States on a  baseball scholarship. They have made Carrboro, NC home and it seems to be a great fit. We started their shoot at a nearby park before moving to Southern Rail and eventually finishing on Franklin Street. My sister Brook was my second shooter for the day and truly helped to capture the love of this family. Here are a few of my favorites!


A few of just Christian and in love.

Ah the reason I love my job. I always wait for this moment...the moment the child looks at you and you feel like you just saw a brief glimpse into their heart and soul.

The many faces of Lucas...


Probably one of my very pensive. 



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    Found your blog on LinkedIN, and I just needed to say that I appreciated the info!
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    Erin Sage Photography Blog - Journal - Family: The Grossman's
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    While the victim was grocery shopping, she said a man bumped into her cart and she became distracted. She had placed her open purse in the cart and believes her wallet was stolen during the incident. She was last seen wearing dark-frame eyeglasses and a grey sweatshirt with a white shirt ...
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    Erin Sage Photography Blog - Journal - Family: The Grossman's

Reader Comments (3)

These turned out amazing! I absolutely love them all. Thank you so much for capturing such sweet moments. Can't wait to see the rest.....

June 10, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterErin G.

Erin! Oh, you captured the Grossmann's essence in these photos - they are such FUN, loving, thoughtful people, and you can see it in these images! I am so impressed! You've got a very bright career to look forward to, my dear!

June 11, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterEmily Taylor

Holy cow! I dearly love this family and their playfulness, mutual love and respect and of course - affinity and endless love for the cutest littlest NC boy is beautifully captured in these pictures. I LOVED THEM!

April 15, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterElizabeth Taylor

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