Friends of Erin Sage Photography

Hi! Welcome to Erin Sage Photography! My love of people and stories has brought me to this place-documenting special moments and I love it! I love that my work never feels like work because it brings me so much joy! Enjoy the blog and feel free to leave a comment! I love feedback!

Entries in Greenville Senior Session (1)


Skyler Senior Session, Hendersonville NC Senior Photography

It's always fun for me when friends become clients. In this case I have known this sweet girl since she was a BABY?! What? Doesn't seem possible. Now Skyler is a senior and I'm pretty positive she can do in life just about anything she dreams up. This session was back in my hometown of Hendersonville NC and boy was it fun. We climbed rocks...waded through streams...jumped over rushing mountain currents...all the normal things you do on a senior shoot right? I think the images we finished with though show this sweet but adventurous girl's personality. Enjoy some of my favorites!