Personal: Behold the Bump

I have literally sat down to blog this exciting news for a few weeks now. Initially I had to wait until I had nicer things to say (don't judge just yet...I will explain). My husband and I are about to become a family of three! Ok well 5 if you count the furry kids! It doesn't seem real most days. I honestly just feel like I have a chronic stomach bug living inside of me not a little baby. Sometimes I have to remind myself that hugging the toilet bowl is a good thing:). We are overwhelmed at this precious gift...that God would allow us to grow and shape a child of is amazing. We of course are reading lots of books and constantly talking about things like "how will we know how to discipline?" or "do babies sleep on their backs or stomachs?" much we need to know!!! Thank God babies grow in stages and we can figure it out as we go! We know that the joys ahead will outweigh any of the not so pleasant pains we may feel now. Just being honest- this has been hard. Shooting weddings nauseous....not high on the fun chart. Trying to sit and edit and respond to emails in between trips to the toilet to get rid of whatever little food I had previously kept down...also hard. It's just flat out been tough. And attempts at comfort (while SO appreciated) like "oh it means your hormones are high and the baby is healthy" has in the end not really helped ease my personal pity party! We have "time to put on your big girl pants" talks daily in my house (no don't worry it is me saying that not my hubs....he just hugs me and says it will be worth it). I don't mean to paint a less than rosy picture of pregnancy- we'll just say that first trimester is maybe not always the prettiest! Let's just say your body does things you didn't know it was capable of...makes noises it didn't make before...and it doesn't care if you are in public. Oh joy! I hope you can laugh with me...I promise I am not a miserable pregnant woman! It is starting to get a little easier. We are approaching 16 weeks now, and the nausea is letting up. I am starting to see a bump for a belly instead of just feeling like I look like I ate 50 twinkies last month. All good things. As my good friend said to me today "What good things in our life come without some pain?". None. We will take the pain. We know the blessing and joy of shaping a child's heart is worth it. If you think of us please pray for our journey ahead as we await baby Foushee's arrival in April!
And because every post should have is the "bump progress" (courtesy of my sweet hubs and brother in-law who are ninjas behind the lens ;) )