I Do: Joe & Kara. Charleston, SC Wedding Photography

Happy 4th everyone! A beautiful wedding to share with you today. Hopefully you are one of the lucky ones with a day off today! This wedding is filled with beautiful details, a fabulous cake, and probably some of the most gorgeous bouquets I have ever seen. Oh my goodness and then there is Kara's dress- breathtaking. Kara and Joe you two were wonderful to work with! I so enjoyed the day and being a part of so many fun memories! Enjoy the sneak peek from this Daniel Island Club wedding.

Reader Comments (1)
Thanks Erin, for the sneak peek,
I appreaciate you sharing.
can't wait to see the rest,
You did a fabulous job!!!
Kara looked stunning, what a dress, BEAUTIFUL
& Joe... wow, what can I say.. nothing like a man in uniform...
you looked very handsome.
Thanx again Erin...
Have a very photographic day