Personal: It's a.............

So it's a boy! Last week was my birthday, and our doctors appointment to find out the sex of our little bean just happened to fall on the same day. I swear my birthday felt like I was a kid again. So much was awesome. My husband and I just watched in amazement as we got to see what for the first time looked like a real baby and not a kidney bean! We hadn't done an ultrasound since 8 weeks, so let me tell you 20 weeks looks like the real deal! We watched him punch and kick (while I simultaneously am feeling this at the same time). We asked the tech to not tell us the sex but instead put it in an envelope for us to open together at dinner. It was so very special. My hubby took us to one of our favorite restaurants in Charleston and together we tore open the envelope and looked inside. Let me tell you....little boys don't try to be modest at all...spread eagle obvious here it is a boy! Matt beamed. I took a minute to soak in the reality that of three girls growing up with no brothers was going to be raising a little man! Wow. Yes- mildly intimidating at first...but then rather empowering. God is trusting me to be the Momma of one of his warriors. That is pretty cool. I have spent a lot of time praying for this baby. Praying for all the things Mommas would pray for early on. But gosh now that we know it's a boy it's like I can't stop thinking of all the things I want for him. Let him be gentle but strong...let him be like David- a man after God's own heart. I know he is going to have his Daddy to look to in all of this and I couldn't have asked for a better example. We are so blessed. Now if only we could agree on a name. That's a post for a later date. In the meantime, here are a few recent photos done for us by our good friends The Daniels. Awesome friends and photographers. We included our furry kids so you can see how they and "the bump" are growing:). More delicious wedding images coming later today!
Reader Comments (1)
Congrats sweet girl, your going to be an amazing mama!!!