Miss College of Charleston. Charleston, SC

I am finally getting around to blogging my session with Meagan after going away on vacation and rushing feverishly to catch back up! I had so so much fun on Meagan's shoot. I guess i should start with what many of you may not know about me...that back in the day I competed for Miss South Carolina. So you could really call this shoot a blast from my past. Meagan is Miss College of Charleston, and will be competing at the state level in July. I really think she has what it takes to do very well. Meagan is smart, thoughtful, and so sincere. I love meeting girls who defy the "pageant stereotype". Meagan is one of those girls. Just as all-American as they come and really does want to use the platform of the Miss America program to make a difference. Regardless of where life takes her I know that success is in this young woman's future. Here are some of my favorite images from the session!
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