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Family Time: The Lancaster's. Beaufort, SC

Ok I should warn you now- these two little girls will surely melt your heart. Oh my goodness the adorable expressions and faces they made during our session had me smiling sorting through them all! So first let me tell you how this family found me- Nick's sister Meredith has referred me to like 5 brides and is a "regular" at weddings I shoot :).  So she has really wanted her sweet brother and sister-in-law to have a family session with their precious identical twins. This was an adventure- chasing two 16 month olds around! Thankfully my amazing husband joined me and was enormously helpful. So Nick and Chelsy's little ones Addison and Kadence really are identical. I mean they look just alike and I must admit in half of their photos I have no idea who is who! Seriously hats off to Nick and Chelsy for keeping two little ones clothing and feeding schedules straight! We met for their session at the old Sheldon Church outside Yemassee. It's where Nick and Chelsy got married so it truly meant a lot to them. Enjoy some of my favorites from our time together. 


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