Family Time: The Allen's

I have been so excited to share some of the images from the Allen's family shoot. I am still desperately catching up with summer in full swing so it has taken a little longer than I had hoped to get them up! Thank goodness my sweet clients are all so very patient! I met the Allens a few weeks ago for their shoot in Fort Mill, SC at the Dairy Barn. What an amazing setting. The Allens are a lot of fun...the Allen kids range anywhere from ages 9-19 and their names all start with the letter B! I was a little tongue tied this shoot. We had a lot of fun though. I know that "family portraits" are not something kids always jump for joy about but I think overall we had a good time. I hope that Mom will finally have those family photos she has been wanting for years! Enjoy some of my favorites.
The Girls...
The Guys....
And they can all thank these two for their beautiful eyes!!!
This shot is probably at the top of my list of favorites for the day.
Love love love this one!
I love this shot of Brittany. She is so striking.
Last but not least...another one I love. They did such a great job just having fun with their photos which makes my job a breeze!
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