I Do: Jeff & Ruthie. Hilton Head Island. SC

What a beautiful Hilton Head wedding my team and I were able to take part in a few weekends ago. Everything from the flowers to the cake and the table arrangements- it all was just gorgeous. Melissa and I had a blast with the girls. You really can't beat having the beach less than two minutes from your house for photos! Ruthie looked stunning walking down the aisle and poor Jeff could barely contain his joy. It was so beautiful. It is why working weekends is worth every minute to me. It is such a special moment that I am able to share with these couples. I love capturing it. I know that Ruthie and Jeff have a life of love and happiness ahead. Enjoy some of my favorite images from our day.
I love this idea for a wedding gift for guests!
Jeff and the guys! Jeff is from a family of all boys!
Probably one of my favorite shots of the day!!!
The ladies were so much fun! Willing to play- and I love that!
Ruthie's first glance at Jeff!
How sweet are they?
It was a beautiful day despite calls for rain...
love love love
Melissa grabbed these and I heart them- a little old school toning for just the right feel!
The band Equinox Jazz got the party going....
Ruthie is without a doubt a Daddy's girl. Her brother is at the microphone singing to them....precious.
Best Wishes You Two!!! Thanks for sharing your day!
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