Johnny and Amanda

Just Because is always a perfect reason for a photo session. It's so easy after you're married to feel like you have to wait to shoot professional portraits again until you have kids! So silly how we all do that. Johnny and Amanda on the other hand have been married for a few years now, but because Johnny is a ranger in the Army they take advantage of every moment he is home to update the family album! Johnny has been away fighting for our country in Iraq for the past 6 months. As you can imagine Amanda couldn't wait for him to get home for his 2 week break! These are some photos of the two of them from our brief session in Hilton Head, SC. Johnny will head back at the end of this week for 6 more months in Iraq before he can come home for good. Such a hard life being an Army wife, but Amanda is so strong and simply waits for her beloved to make it back to her again. Their love is exciting to see, and their joy contagious. Thank you both for sharing with me!!