Phillip & MaryAnn E-Session. Columbia, SC
Tuesday, June 7, 2011 at 04:34PM
Erin Sage Photography

I heart engagement sessions. I hope you can tell. I kinda think that everyone should do one. Why you ask? It is an awesome opportunity to work and connect with your photographer before the wedding day, and it gives you fun playful images to remember this time in your life! I was so excited to join Philip and Mary Ann in Columbia for their e-session. I have known these two for some time now, and working on getting them to snuggle and laugh together was hardly work at all...they're just totally at ease in each others presence. Philip and Mary Ann have dated since high school. crazy! They both have a fabulous sense of humor and are very easy going. We jumped around to a few different locations, but I have to say we finished the day with the dreamiest of light down by the river. I heart them. Enjoy my favorites!! 

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