Lots to Share! Charleston, SC Family Photography
Tuesday, January 4, 2011 at 12:19PM
Erin Sage Photography

Gosh it feels like forever since I have been on here. Christmas time and traveling has just had my husband and I everywhere. Oh we are so relieved to be home and catching up on life.  Here is a peek at some of the sessions I did before the holidays hit. The first being sweet Emma. Seriously one of the most adorable happy little girls I have ever met. Her session was one big play date and she loved it! I'm also sharing sessions I did for three amazing photographers in town...the first being Matt and Jenna Daniel and their sweet little one Eli. I also had the privilege to shoot Carmen and Caleb from Carmen Ash Photography to show off her baby bump. I've been running non-stop but truly having a blast. Even in the busy crazy times I stop and think...gosh I am the luckiest girl. 

Happy New Year Everyone! Stay tuned for some amazingly beautiful weddings coming soon...

Article originally appeared on Erin Sage Photography Blog (http://erinsagephotography.squarespace.com/).
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