I Do: Austin & April. Hendersonville NC Wedding Photography
Wednesday, October 6, 2010 at 09:16AM
Erin Sage Photography

Dreamy. Seriously the best word to describe this wedding. The temperatures cooled...the leaves had started to turn colorful shades...autumn arrived just in time for Austin and April.  The ceremony was held at Camp Greenville's "Pretty Place"- truly fitting. It overlooks the mountains and inscribed upon the beam stretching the length of this outdoor chapel is the verse "I lift up mine eyes unto the hills" - really takes my breath away every time.  The reception followed at one of my favorite Hendersonville eateries- Hubba Hubba- even the name makes it fabulous! Austin proposed to April there as they talked about what a fun reception location it could be for a wedding one day. This place is oozing with character- and if that wasn't enough the food is amazing. My favorites from the day- fire grilled bread (yum!), fruit salad infused with ginger and honey (Melissa would eat this at every meal), and of course their bbq and potato salad. I have to say though, Austin and April really set the tone for the day so well. They are easy going, thoughtful, and filled with so much joy. The day was a celebration of this couple, friends, and family. A few favorite details and moments from the day- 1. Most exuberant flower girl ever- I have never seen petals thrown quite like this-love! 2. Old Coke bottles- who wouldn't love that. 3. April and Austin's invitations- complete with roosters-cows and pigs- all wrapped up in twine. 4. Ring bearer complete in baby tux. 5. A fabulous barn backdrop- still cannot believe that sweet woman let us invade her property! 6. And of course the re-appearance of red balloons from April and Austin's e-session. 7. Ooh and one more- the band deserves a serious shout out- "Melonbelly" they were amazing! Ok I promise I am going to get to the images now. Enjoy!

Melissa & Erin

Article originally appeared on Erin Sage Photography Blog (http://erinsagephotography.squarespace.com/).
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