ESession: Scott & Regina. Charleston, SC Wedding Photography
Wednesday, October 13, 2010 at 02:04PM
Erin Sage Photography

Regina is truly one of the most infectiously joyful people I have ever had the pleasure of knowing. Such a sad day when she packed up and headed West for California to pursue her writing and television career out there. I should have known that a crazy turn of events would bring her back into my life! Yes almost 4 years later Regina called me with the joyous news that she was engaged and planning a Kiawah Island wedding for the fall. Steel drum rides on the beach...two fabulous people in love- um yeah I will be there. Scott and Regina love San Francisco where they both riding bikes...taqueria's...and of course their gorgeous blue eyed girl Iris. So much fun capturing this beautiful family. Regina of course shows up with fabulous vintage threads....Iris in a tu tu...and Scott is pretty much willing to do what Regina wants for photos- even if that means jumping fully clothed into the fountain. Oh my goodness- could I be any happier?? I cannot wait for the wedding- so soon! Stay tuned for those images in a few weeks time. Enjoy my favorites from their session!




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