Sweet Sam
Thursday, May 21, 2009 at 11:48AM
Erin Sage Photography

Jetton Park on Lake Norman was the perfect place for Sam's 18 month shoot. I had a blast! Considering we were out shooting for a few hours Sam was so patient and happy to just play and do whatever. As long as we had "Sam bites" handy and some of his "dig digs"...aka yogurt bites and toys- we were all set! These are some of my favorites from the day...as you can tell it was hard for me to narrow them down! Thanks Harper family!

Sam and Koa....Sam likes giving Koa kisses


 Is your heart melting yet????

How about now???


Love...love...love....look at those baby blues!

 Playing with Dad...one of my favorites.



Article originally appeared on Erin Sage Photography Blog (http://erinsagephotography.squarespace.com/).
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